Photos from an old and a new era in shipping

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Even though I am a wordsmith, I have to agree. Photos can really bring a story to life. Let me tell you the story behind this old photo and also behind a recent photo taken for an article I wrote about the marine industry. Both photos illustrate the sheer scale of the construction work in shipping.

Aalborg – where Read the rest

A name is my claim to fame

In my last blog, I wrote that I have been running my own copywriting business for 30 years. Here I speculate about what will be the lasting legacy from all the words I have written over the years. Perhaps one word of mine will live on in consumers’ minds: Oatly.

Yes, yours truly came up with the name Oatly. This expanding brand of oat-based products originated in Sweden in Landskrona … Read the rest

30 years in a changing branch

Branch hold-up 350 MBPhoto: Josefin Ollermark

On 11 August 1987, I started my own company called Goddard Writing and I have been running the business ever since; that makes thirty years of writing headlines. How do you like this particular one? I hope you get the pun: I am referring to the advertising branch and in the photo I am holding a branch!

Actually, the first rule I was taught while studying … Read the rest