Should copywriters tell the whole truth?

Yesterday I went to see a plot of land for sale in the countryside of southern Sweden. For many years, I have harboured a dream of moving out of the city of Malmö into a secluded rural beauty spot. This particular plot was in Stenberget, which means “Stone Mountain” in English. When I got there, a surprise awaited me just a stone’s throw away.

The plot was advertised with about … Read the rest

Report on support for traumatised children

Save the Children in Sweden publishes an annual report on Transforming Care. In May, I translated the Swedish original into English for the second year in a row. This report covers their nationwide efforts to help adults deal with children who have suffered from trauma.  

Reading between the lines of the 2016 and 2017 reports, though refugee children are now in safe-keeping in Sweden, many of them are still suffering … Read the rest