“The rich will be hit first”

Is this the future that awaits Falsterbo? (Photo: Peter Goddard. This image is photoshopped.)

“Your next-door neighbour is the sea” was the headline for a recent property ad for an expensive house located on the south coast of Sweden. “The sea could soon be moving in” would probably be a more accurate but less selling headline.

The copy of the ad went on to state “With a sea view” but … Read the rest

The last flight to London and the return of blue skies

Have we reached a turning point for travel by air?

No more flights are leaving for London from Sweden. We live in strange times and nothing may ever be quite the same again. Right now the air we breath is cleaner and the skies are bluer. Just think about what a refreshing change that is. Perhaps it is time to rethink our behaviour and take measures to reduce how much … Read the rest