30 years in a changing branch

Branch hold-up 350 MBPhoto: Josefin Ollermark

On 11 August 1987, I started my own company called Goddard Writing and I have been running the business ever since; that makes thirty years of writing headlines. How do you like this particular one? I hope you get the pun: I am referring to the advertising branch and in the photo I am holding a branch!

Actually, the first rule I was taught while studying … Read the rest

“True words are not beautiful…

…Beautiful words are not true.”

These words come from a small classic of Chinese philosophy called the Lao Tzu or Tao-te ching consisting of about 5,250 meaningful words written in verse. The book is believed to date from the sixth century BC. More commentaries have been written on it than on any other Chinese classic. It explains the Taoist philosophy and represents a kind of manual of moral truth and … Read the rest